Nurturing Potential and Building Futures Together

Our Initiatives

At the heart of Hope Givers Mission is a commitment to:

Ensure inclusive and equitable quality education and promote lifelong learning opportunities for all.

Especially eliminating boundaries and hindrances this is by ensuring that boys and girls complete free, equitable and quality primary and secondary education and have opportunities to further their studies We also seek to build, provide or upgrade education facilities that are children-centred, disability and gender sensitive safe and inclusive in order to guarantee quality and up to standard conducive learning environment.

Achieve gender equality and empower all women and girls;

As grass root champions of human rights, we seek to intensify awareness on forms of violence against women and girls in the community, creating channels and safe place for information against F.G.M and early marriages. These are the major setbacks to our women and girls’ progress and development in our indigenous communities in Isiolo

Working towards ensuring availability of sustainable management of water and sanitation for all.

Isiolo is one of the ASAL counties in the country and its struggles with availability of clean water and effective sewerage systems especially the interior areas like; Daaba, Lotiki, Leparua, Loruko and many other areas that are remote. As fetching water is one of women’s’ social responsibility across the pastoral communities, promoting water harvesting methods, safe and effective storage of water would eases the burden to women and girls. This would further reduce the risks that come with walking long distance in search of clean water. Creating awareness on importance of clean sanitation and good hygiene practices would guarantee a health community.

Building of Children Centre

Looking ahead, we envision a dedicated space where children can thrive and flourish in a nurturing environment. Our goal is to build a children's center that serves as a hub for educational, recreational, and social activities. This center will not only provide a safe and supportive space for children to learn and grow but also serve as a community resource for families in need.

Action to combat climate change

As global challenge climate change is affecting the livelihood of communities in Kenya and Isiolo in particular who are majorly pastoralists and small scale farmers. Dependence on the annual rainfall is no longer a sustainable option for farming or even for pasture. We therefore aim prompting mechanisms for raising capacity for effective climate change planning and management e.g. tress planting, protection of water catchment areas and introduction of solar energy as alternative to generators and paraffin lights as sources of power and lighting.